Saturday, April 6th
9am-3pm at A.C. Steere Park!
Scroll down to find information on games and schedule of events!
Field Gay Spirit Night — Friday, April 5th
5pm-8pm, Location to be announced soon!
Come one, come all ShrevePride Q-tie Family! Join us for the second-annual Field Gay Spirit Night, a pre-party where you can meet other players and lift spirits at maximum levels.
Join us on Friday, April 5th 5:00 - 8:00 pm for an all-ages event aimed at building team spirit and camaraderie among competitors.We will have the Field Gay trophy (engraved with the names of past winners of course) on display, poster board and markers to create signs for your fave teams/players!
Feel free to bring your own materials to maximize your crafts- make your own team flags/totems, signage, bandanas, the possibilities are endless!
Field Gay Game Day — Saturday, April 6th
9am-3pm at A.C. Steere Park
This fun, outdoor, intramural sports event is designed to foster community and teamwork! Join us at AC Steere Park for a fun-filled day of games, community, vendors, and incredible informational booths of partners right here in our region.
Our event is open to anyone and everyone in the community who wants to celebrate and support Pride in Shreveport. There are two ways to register as a competitor: As a team (5-8 Players) and as an individual. Individual registrants will be grouped into Teams or fill gaps in Teams on the day of the event so that everyone can play!
Free to Spectate! Personal tents and chairs are welcome.
🏳️🌈 How Field Gay Works
Like many classic field day games, the eight Core Games of Field Gay require two Teams compete or play. Many games require 4-5 Players to participate where some require as few as two. Teams (which should consist of no fewer than five and no more than eight Players) must pick the Players best suited to compete in the game at hand.
Teams will rotate through all of the Core Games using a schedule which will be provided on the day of the event. Each of the eight games should take between 7-15 minutes to complete, including instruction time. Play all of the games and keep track of your score card to compete!
Between games, check out vendors, food trucks, and meet new friends. After all, Field Gay isn’t just about competition, it’s about community!
🏆 How to Win Field Gay
The primary goal of each game is to amass as many Points as possible. Points are what will ultimately determine who advances to the Field Gay Finals. Score cards are issued to and kept by each Team. As a game is played, Referees will keep track of score including winners of game rounds, Skill Points earned, and errors that can remove Points from a given game score. The maximum possible score any team could win by completing all eight games is 100. In order to achieve this, a Team would need to win every competition, make no errors, and go for Skill Points. How Points are won (or lost) for each game are detailed with each game description below.
Once all Teams have completed each of the Core Games, Points will be tallied and the top three scoring will take first, second, and third place. If any of the teams in the top three positions are tied with another team, a sack race will determine who takes the podium. The team that loses the race will be dropped to the next position on the podium — or off the podium in the case of a third place tie.
⭐ Schedule of Events
7:30am — Setup and Decoration of Field Gay. We would love for you to join us!
8:00am — Vendor Check-in Begins. All vendors must be checked in no later than 8:30am.
9:00am — Player/Team Check-in and Registration begins. We recommend signing up online in advance (see form below) because spaces will be extremely limited on the day of the event.
10:00am — Player/Team Check-in and Registration Ends. Players or Teams that do not check in by 10:00am will not be eligible to play.
10:30am — Field Gay Opening Ceremony and Game Schedule Distribution.
11:00am — The Gaymes Begin! We anticipate games and scoring will be complete by 2:30pm.
3:00pm — Teardown of Field Gay. We invite you to help us collect trash, stack chairs and tables, and load our van. Many hands make it easy!
Field Gay Games
Tug of War
How to Play: Teams each select FIVE players to each pull a rope across their team’s goal line to win. Each team plays three games against their opponent. Teams may optionally change out Players after each game, but no Player may remain in the same position in the line as the previous game.
Scoring: Each victory wins 5 Points. Teams can win up to 15 Points if they win all three games.
Anything but Running
How to Play: Teams each select FOUR players to compete in GROUPS OF TWO for this relay-style race of silliness. Each leg of the race will require a different form of moving such as crab walking, cartwheels, rolling… anything but running!
Scoring: 1st place: 10 Points, 2nd place: 5 Points, 3rd place: 3 Points, 4th place: 0 Points. Teams can win up to 15 Points if their Players win first and second place in the race.
Ping Pong Shake ♿
How to Play: Each Team selects ONE Player to compete in a round. In each round, the Player from each Team straps a shake box to their body (be it an arm, a head, or a derriere) and must shake the balls out of the box. The first Team to empty the box wins the round. Two rounds are played, each time with different Players.
Scoring: Each victory awards the winning team 5 Points. Teams can win up to 10 Points if they win both rounds.
Four Square
How to Play: In Four Square, the objective is to be the last player in the game. The court is made up of a large square divided into four equal sections, numbered 1-4. At the start of a turn, the player in square 1, or the “Ace” square, serves the ball to the player in the number 4 square. The player in the number 4 square may then pass the ball into any Player’s square attempting to eliminate the player in that square.
Scoring: The winning team wins 15 points. All or nothing!
Scooter Basketball
How to Play: Teams select FOUR Players. Players sit on rolling scooters to move around the court. Traditional basketball rules apply except you don’t have to dribble! Make as many baskets as you can in two 7 minute halves (total game time 14 minutes) and a shot clock of 30 seconds per possession.
Scoring: The team with the most baskets at the end of the game wins. The winning team gets 10 points!
Pizza Box Relay
How to Play: Teams select FIVE Players. Each time a leg of the relay is complete, the number of pizza boxes is increased by three. Leg 1 is three boxes, Leg 2 is six boxes, Leg 3 is nine boxes, Leg 4 is twelve boxes, Leg 5 is fifteen boxes. IF boxes are dropped the player returns to the last checkpoint. Players may carry the boxes is any manner they please but may NOT alter or crush the boxes.
Scoring: Winning Team: 10 Points. If a Team that does not win DROPS NO BOXES during the relay, they are awarded 5 Skill Points. Teams can win up to 10 Points if they win. Skill points are NOT awarded to the winning team.
Pass the Water ♿
How to Play: Teams select FIVE players each. The Players line up in a row and are each given a cup. At the front of the line is a trough of water. At the back of the line is a bucket. Facing forward, the first Player of each Team dips their cup into the trough and must pour the water behind their head, without looking, into the next Player’s cup. The final Player at the end of the line may turn around to fill the bucket.
Scoring: The Team with the most water in their bucket at the end of 5 minutes is declared the winner. Winner receives 10 Points.
Flippy Cup ♿
How to Play: Each Team selects FOUR Players to compete. On the starting whistle the first Player on a Team must drink a cup of water and turn their cup upside down on the edge of the table. The Player must then flips their cup upright using only their fingers.Once the Player has successfully flipped their cup, the next Team Player may drink their water and flip their cup. The first team that successfully flips all four of their Team’s cups will be declared the winner.
Scoring: Each victory wins 5 Points. Teams can win up to 15 Points if they win all three games.
Register to Play at Field Gay 2024
Registration is currently closed!
Field Gay Recap
Filmed and created by Tramaine Demming, Music Masters Studios
Memories from Field Gay
Collected here are a select few of the user-submitted images from Field Gay. We hope to add more soon!